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A Day in the Writer's Life

Writer's picture: Dianne MileyDianne Miley

“This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

As I get back to blogging, I thought I would share what a typical writer’s day is like. Since I work from home, I am often asked, “What do you do all day?”

Seriously, no one asks the work-from-home insurance rep or financial analyst or web designer what they do all day. (Do they?) But I digress…

For me, I spend Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays on writing projects. On Thursdays and Fridays, I take care of my two-year-old grandson. I try to fit in some writing during his naptime, and often on Saturdays.

On a normal workday, I get up between 7:00 and 7:30. I'm blessed with flexible hours and no commute! After getting dressed, basic grooming, and making my bed, I do about ten minutes of Pilates. I’m still working on consistency with that. (This has been a good week!)

I eat breakfast and drink spiced herbal tea with honey and milk. Then I spend some time reading Scripture, devotions, and writing in my prayer journal. Writing my prayers like a letter to God keeps me from daydreaming - or thinking about my to-do list.

After cleaning up the kitchen and checking that to-do list, I read and reply to various emails from: my marketing guru, advertising companies, book cover designer, writers’ group, critique partners, and other miscellaneous emails which may or may not be writing related. <sigh>

Finally, I begin various writing “projects” such as (but not all inclusive):

· writing and editing a short story for my writers’ group anthology

· editing my critique partner’s short story

· writing, designing, and sending a reader newsletter

· writing and scheduling a blog post

· updating newsletter email list

· creating Facebook and Instagram posts in Canva

· scheduling social media posts in the content planner

· figuring out why my Instagram posts won’t schedule (ongoing issue)

· trying to figure out how to merge two Instagram accounts (maybe the issue?)

· zoom meetings with marketing guru, critique partner, or writers' group

· brainstorming promotion and marketing ideas

· scheduling advertising and sending payments

· updating website

· updating Good Reads (still on to-do list)

· updating Amazon Author Page

· planning activities for writers’ retreat

· editing critique partner’s manuscript

· revising my book manuscript per critique partner’s comments

· plotting and actually writing my book!

So, you see, I keep busy. In between there, I actually do eat lunch, keep the house straightened up, read and handle the mail, manage the bank accounts, pay bills, take an afternoon walk, call my mom, do Wordle with my daughter, check on my grandson, and plan and cook dinner.

That’s a day in my life!

What’s your typical day like? I’d love to hear in the comments below. 

“Praise the Lord; praise God our savior! For each day he carries us in his arms.” Psalm 68:19

P.S.: Lilacs for Laura is FREE today and tomorrow.

Through February 26, 2023 only!



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