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Writer's pictureDianne Miley

Think on These Things

“Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:8

What is true?

"For the word of the Lord holds true, and we can trust everything He does."

Psalms 33:4 NLT

What is right?

"For merely listening to the law doesn't make us right with God. It is obeying the law that makes us right in His sight."

Romans 2:13 NLT

What is pure?

"The Lord's promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over."

Psalms 12:6 NLT

What is lovely?

"How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of Heaven's Armies."

Psalms 84:1 NLT

What is admirable?

"Everyone admires a man of principles, but the one with a corrupt heart is despised."

Proverbs 12:8 TPT

What is excellent?

"And because of His glory and excellence, He has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share His divine nature and escape the world's corruption caused by human desires."

2 Peter 1:4 NLT

What is worthy of praise?

"Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise! No one can measure His greatness."

Psalms 145:3 NLT

Do you see the pattern?

When we look up God's meaning for these attributes, we find the very attributes of God: God's Word, obeying God's law, God's promises, heaven, principles, God's glory, and God's greatness.

Think on these things.

Why? Read the next verse.

"Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me -- everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you." Philippians 4:9

Peace be with you, my friends.

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Which of these thoughts bring you the most peace?


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