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  • Writer's pictureDianne Miley

Of Weddings & Weather...

Today I'm waxing poetic with lessons on life, making adjustments, and going with the flow. My daughter got engaged last Christmas. For nine months, we talked about her wedding day.

We had a lovely wedding planned.

Our daughter and her fiance,

With some help from their parents,

Spent nine months of researching

All wedding variants.

Visiting venues,

Choosing flowers and food,

Selecting decor

To set the right mood.

Making decisions,

Hashing it out,

Paying deposits

With nary a shout.

Schedules, time lines,

And everyone in place --

Our daughter and son

Organized like an ace!

It all came together --

The music, the tree.

But then -- two days out --

Came the news on TV.

Hurricane Irma

Was headed our way.

Pending mandatory evacuation

On the wedding day!

We scurried and scrambled

Postponed and parlayed.

Nine months of planning

Were changed in a day!

Hasty rescheduling

Was done in two hours.

We thanked our Lord

For His miraculous powers!

We weren't going to cancel

The wedding was set.

We moved it all up a day,

Much as we could get.

We never heard a grumble.

We never saw a tear.

We all just worked together

In the face of our fear.

A hurricane was coming.

We'd evacuate soon.

But now, let's get them married --

Our bride and our groom!

The beautiful couple

Wed the next night

So out of town guests

Could catch an earlier flight.

The calm before the storm

Provided gorgeous weather.

The breeze and the mood

Were light as a feather.

We hummed the wedding march

As Dad walked her down the aisle.

In ruffles and sneakers,

Our bride wore a smile!

Well, Gram forgot her Bible

And we left the rings behind,

But cheat sheets and family rings

Filled in just fine.

Grandma read the verses

And Mom said the prayer,

A special friend officiated

The impromptu affair.

Our bride and groom both said "I do,"

Happy as can be!

Whether at the marsh shore

Or an angel oak tree.

The storm forced some changes

To the best laid plans.

Helping us remember

We're all in God's hands.

We focused on what's important --

The union of these two.

The details didn't matter

When all was done and through.

God was on that breezy shore

Looking down in love,

Blessing Paul and Melissa

With "son" shine from above.

God had a lovely wedding planned.

Amen & Amen!

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