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Writer's pictureDianne Miley

Miss You More... and a GIVEAWAY!

Did y'all miss me? Well, I miss you more!!!! And I've missed writing.

It's been six busy, fun, fulfilling months... but six months nonetheless of no contact with readers and the writing world. Are you wondering what on earth is up?

Thank the Lord, I haven't been sick, incapacitated or suffering from writer's block. (Writer's block? Never!)

Despite the photo, it's not because I've been walking the beach, vacationing in the tropics, or reading books and eating bon-bons. (Although I do squeeze these in as often as possible!) Mental therapy, you know!

But besides writing, there's a calling on my life to help pregnant women who need support and housing. For sure and for certain, building a non-profit has been quite an undertaking! If you'd like to know more about it, click here. To receive monthly updates about how this mission makes a difference, sign up for the newsletter at the bottom of each website page.

So that's what's up with the hiatus from writing -- I've been counseling clients, meeting with donors or volunteers, and dredging through non-stop paperwork and emails. Ah, the glamorous life!

Now Fridays are dedicated to writing again. :)

You may not receive the blog every week, because there are also books to write and stories to tell. But feel free to put my feet to the fire if you don't hear from me at least once a month!

Please reach out as well. I love hearing from readers and the distance has grown too long!

To make up for this absence, I'm hosting a GIVEAWAY!

Not one, not two, but THREE lucky readers will receive the E-BOOK OF YOUR CHOICE!

To enter the drawing, SHARE this blog.

1. Forward to a friend and copy me in the cc of your email.


2. Share before 9:00am on Friday, June 21st and THREE random readers will win!

Comments currently are having technical difficulties, so when you email, share this:

What's YOUR favorite mental therapy?

Fresh air and sunshine? Waves, woods, or wind in your hair? Music or movies? Exercise, travel, gardening, or reading on the back porch? Something different altogether?

Let's share ways to clear our minds and enjoy our God-given peace. Next time, I'll share some of your answers!

"Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance." Jude 1:2

Find the books at the link below:

Let's share ways to clear our minds and enjoy our God-given peace.

PS: Sharing this newsletter with friends who want to enter the drawing is very much encouraged. Thank you!

"Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance." Jude 1:2

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