Do you have trouble distinguishing between God’s path for your life and your own desires? I do.
I know God’s way is best, but how do I know what that is?
Fast and pray. I’ve heard that all my life. But who actually stops eating, working, participating in life to fast and pray? To not think about the next chore or responsibility or meal?
Praying all day without food brings to mind three words: Bored. And. Hungry.

I love God and all, but after 30 minutes or so, what more is there to say? After a few hours, the monologue would lapse into, ‘please excuse me for lunch.’ I can’t imagine how bored and hungry I’d be.
Yet I can talk with family and friends for hours on end. (Although there’s always food.)
Isn’t Jesus my family AND my friend? If Jesus came to my house, I’d sit with Him for hours, asking questions and hanging on every word.
And bringing Him food. I was a foodie before it was a thing. I feed people. Fasting is tough for me.
Also, I’m easily distracted when I pray, and I struggle to understand God’s next step for me.
Unlike Moses, I haven’t had a mountain top, burning bush experience where I unequivocally hear God’s voice, speaking out loud, booming with clarity and authority.
Is that because I don’t actually seek the mountaintop experience? I don’t make the trip to the mountain or take the time to see, to hear, to listen to the burning bush.
“When God saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, ‘Moses! Moses!’ And Moses said, ‘Here I am.’” Exodus 3:4
I need to go over and look. Maybe prayer and fasting looks different than I thought. Maybe it’s more listening than a monologue.
My church encouraged us to try prayer and fasting for the first three weeks of January. As far as I know, no one spends the whole day on their knees without food. Most people gave up certain foods, or maybe one meal a day. A sacrifice for God while praying with greater focus, frequency, and intentionality.
My journey includes extended prayer and Bible reading each morning, devotion and prayer in the evening, cutting out sugar (my best friend/worst foe) and cutting back on carbs and dairy. This is challenge enough without skipping meals.
Never mind that if I didn’t make dinner, my husband might be knocking on my forehead asking, “Hello? Anybody home?” like Biff to McFly.
One week in, I haven’t had a mountaintop, burning bush experience. But through prayer, God’s word, and intentional quiet, I am listening. God is speaking to my soul.
Friday morning, this verse in Psalms leapt out at me.
“Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” Psalm 27:14
Waiting is hard. Am I really supposed to wait, continuing on the same path, when I could take drastic action to improve the situation?
It’s not that I don’t trust God. It’s that I don’t trust my perception.
Maybe what I think I hear is too amazing to believe. Would God actually fulfill my dreams?
Maybe the dreams God planted in me are not only what He wants for me, but how He wants to work through me.
Maybe God’s plan is infinitely more than I can imagine.
“Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” Ephesians 3:20
Yet for Him to use me, I need to trust and obey Him.
Trust Him to fulfill the dreams that He placed in me. Trust what my heart and soul are telling me. Trust His provision while waiting for Him to orchestrate His plan.
And obey the steps He’s leading me to take. Listen for His leading. Follow His path. Wait on His timing. Don’t get distracted – looking to the left or the right. Obey.
“Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.” Proverbs 4:25-27
God had a marvelous plan for Moses that took his entire lifetime with extended periods of waiting.
God has an amazing plan for YOUR life too!
Join me in prayer and fasting. Bored and hungry doesn’t really describe it.
Enlightening and fulfilling is more like it.
“Listen and hear my voice; pay attention and hear what I say.” Isaiah 28:23
God's Blessings to you!
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