"And people should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor, for these are gifts from God." Ecclesiastes 3:13

Have you been praying and fasting during January like I have? Or have you tried Dry January like some of my friends - when they don't imbibe in alcohol this month? (Since I rarely drink, January is usually dry for me anyway. We still have champagne in the fridge from New Year's Eve.)
But giving up sugar - that's another story altogether! It's been Bitter January or Sour January for me. Definitely not sweet!
And I'm pleased to say that I've lost seven pounds - pounds that I gained last year between comfort eating and having a broken foot! Whew - I'm so glad to lighten up a bit. And I plan to keep going. (Please help me, God.)
So I'm not saying to throw out all the progress we made in January. Healthier eating, eating and drinking less, and exercising more are all good.
And yet -- enjoying this life is also good. Dessert is delicious and God gave us all good things to enjoy... in moderation. While I admit that I snuck a few chocolates this week after the 21 day fast was over, my goal is to reserve dessert for the weekend. Most of the time, I want to continue the meal plans I've been on.
Did you catch that -- most of the time? It's the weekend and it's time to enjoy!
Life has been extremely busy for me over the last two weeks. Crazy busy! So, while I wanted to check in with y'all and keep the weekly blog on schedule, I need a bit of a breather this week!
So join me in taking Time to Enjoy.
And, if you live in the Charleston SC area, or you might be visiting here in mid-April, I know the perfect little treat for you.
Here's what I've been working diligently on over the past few weeks:
Tea with SOUL. SOUL is a non-profit organization - Sanctuary of Unborn Life - that helps pregnant and new mothers with emotional encouragement, spiritual support, Bible study and baby showers through the SOUL Sisters program.
SOUL's Housing Program provides financial assistance with rent, utilities, and budgeting for new moms in need during pregnancy and maternity leave.
Tea with SOUL is the 3rd annual fundraiser to support these programs. Here's the info:
Tea with SOUL
Saturday, April 18, 2020 at 1:00-3:00pm
The Exchange at Dunes West
3003 Dunes West Blvd, Mount Pleasant SC 29466
Tea Luncheon & Desserts
Speaker Katie Walters
of Seacoast Church and Francis + Benedict
Encouraging Client Stories
Silent Auction
Reserved Seating $25
Tickets Available at Eventbrite
I hope y'all will join us!
You'll be supporting pregnant and new mothers in need.
For more information about the Tea, and about SOUL's ministry,
Take time to enjoy - and take Time for Tea!
It's a chilly, rainy day in Charleston. I think I'll have a cuppa tea right now and sink into the sofa with a good book. A perfect winter day!
How do you like taking Time to Enjoy?
Join the conversation! Leave a comment below.
"Even so, I have noticed one thing, at least, that is good. It is good for people to eat, drink, and enjoy their work under the sun during the short life God has given them, and to accept their lot in life."
Ecclesiastes 5:8
God's Blessings,
Find Dianne's books HERE.