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  • Writer's pictureDianne Miley

Nothing to Fear

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV

Jesus looked down from heaven onto the earth, and all the turmoil He saw there. His people grew frightened to leave the house, to mingle in crowds, and to send their children to school.

And for good reason. The earth had grown into a scary place - threats of illness and disaster loomed at every turn.

He looked down on Rachel James, as she prepared her children for school. Her daughter Jessica pouted and whined in the kitchen as she threw her shoes across the floor.

"TV said most of the schools are closed. Why is my school open? I don't wanna go to school!"

Rachel thrust a hand through her hair, near tears and frowning, about to give in to frustration... and fear.

Jesus whispered in Rachel's ear.

"Fear not! There is nothing to fear! For I am with you. Be not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My (victorious) right hand of rightness and justice." (Isaiah 41:10 AMP)

Rachel stopped and took a deep breath. She'd heard Him, sensed His presence. She knelt beside her strong-willed daughter, Jessica, and wrapped her in a hug.

"Lord, help me with this child," she thought. "I love her so much, but she's a stubborn one, Lord. Give me the words to soothe her today. And please, Lord, keep my girls safe during these times of illness in our world."

Just like that, an idea came to her.

"I know you don't want to go to school today, honey," Rachel breathed into her child's hair. "But Amelia is looking forward to jump rope with you today. I'll bet my Santos girls are going to break the school record - longest jumping without a miss."

Jessica's bottom lip quivered, her resolve slightly waning.

"Plus there's fresh pineapple in your lunch."

Her child's eyes lit up. "Thanks, Momma."

Rachel's heart swelled at those deep brown eyes, as beguiling as her child's father's had been. Her lips grazed Jessica's forehead as she squeezed her tight.

Up in heaven, Jake Santos sidled up to Jesus. "Jessica giving her momma fits about school again?"

"You know your daughter," Jesus said with a smile. "Other schools are closed today, and she doesn't want to go either."

"But it's safe, isn't it?" Jake asked.

"Do not be afraid; only believe," Jesus quoted Mark 5:36.

Jake bent down low and whispered into the clouds, into his daughter's heart. "It's okay, Jess. Have fun at school today."

"Momma!" Jessica jumped back, her face bright and eyes as wide as if she'd found a pony in the living room. "Daddy talked to me! He said it's okay. He said have fun at school!"

Rachel looked to the ceiling of her little cottage in the woods of Crystal Falls. "Thank you, Jesus." She paused, bit her lip. "Thank you, Jake."

"Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything." Philippians 4:6 NLT


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To read Dianne's book, Roses for Rachel, and other books in the Crystal Falls Series, click HERE.

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